February 1, 2022

This Venue’s Site Tour Failed Before It Even Started

I’m not a tattletale. Honestly. 

But sometimes, I hear things from couples that just make me gasp and say “they are not going to believe this!”

This was one:

A couple told me they went for a site visit last weekend at a venue they were really interested in booking. They’d pinned it, shared it with family and friends, and booked the site tour – even posting on Instagram as they got on site. 

Then, they walked into the office and two things happened:

  1. The woman behind the desk was on a phone call and didn’t even look up, let alone greet the couple.
  2. The event coordinator who they were scheduled to meet with was not there 20 minutes after their pre-arranged (and confirmed) meeting time. The event coordinator didn’t phone, email, or text the couple or let the “greeter” at the desk know that she was running late.

So the couple sat there – awkwardly at first, angrily as time went by – being ignored.

Now, if they’d been at the DMV or even the dentist, that couple would probably just have looked at their phones and waited patiently.

But they were at a venue that had said it wanted to host the most important day of their lives. And a venue that would take a serious financial investment to book.

You can guess what happened next. 

They left. Without ever having been even greeted by a single person at the venue. Ask me what their next Instagram post was about. 

This makes me so sad because it’s such a massive missed opportunity and it’s easily fixed.


Think about how your venue is handling that crucial moment when the couple first lands on property for the site tour. 

On a scale of 1-10, how well are you grabbing that moment and making it into something that sets the tone for the site tour and then the booking? 

If you rated yourself a 9 or 10, go grab a mimosa!

If you rated your venue any lower, take some time with your team to really think through how to make this better.

Your booking rate will thank you.

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Meredith Monday Schwartz started at Here Comes The Guide in 1997 (we didn’t even have a website back then—there might also have been dinosaurs running around!) and was a wedding venue specialist for 10 years before taking over as Chief Bossypants in 2007. In the years since she joined HCTG, she’s learned a lot about wedding couples, wedding venues, and running a company profitably and well. To hire Meredith to consult on best practices in your wedding venue business, email meredith@herecomestheguide.com.