We all know this happens: You get an inquiry from a bride or groom who found you through a wedding resource website like, say, Here Comes The Guide…and unfortunately they haven’t filled in many fields so you don’t have much info at all.
Frustrating! You want to send a customized response email because you know that’ll make them much more likely to schedule a site visit, but how do you do that when you have so little to go on?
I know it can be tempting to just send your standard email template and quickly check this task off your to-do list. Resist the temptation! It’s worth trying to come up with whatever customization you can.
Most of the time, the wedding couple will at least have given you their name, desired date, and a capacity range. Work with that.
Start your email with something like:
Hi Mandi and Jordan,
I’m so glad you’re considering Meredith Manor for your event!
Good news! We are available on June 15th, 2024 and I think our Wedding Garden will be perfect for your event of 125 guests. It will be fully in bloom that time of year.
Then, segue into your standard email from there.
At the end, repeat a couple of their details:
Mandi and Jordan, I’m really looking forward to giving you a tour of Meredith Manor and talking about all the ways we can accommodate your June 15th wedding.
I know it doesn’t seem like a lot, but you’d be surprised how few response emails they’ll get that will customize even this much. And, especially for Gen Z, this kind of personalization is key to landing their event.
PSST…. Want to know the ins and outs of How To Make The Sale? Then you’ll need to check out Module 4 of our Venue Business Boot Camp where we go over best practices on response times, customizing the right things in an email, and meeting Millennial and Gen Z couples where they are.
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